Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Send Love To Dogs Like Bilbo!

“Bilbo (ne Plato) came to People United for Pets (PUP) in September, 2010.

He was infested with coccidia as well as sarcoptic mange. 

He was cleared of the sarcoptic mange before the vet signed off on his health certificate and unfortunately he came down with demodectic mange when he was put into foster care. He has been under mange treatment since October, 2010.

He had only a very small volume of hair on the top of his head down to his shoulders.  His back, tail and legs were hairless and his skin was fluorescent pink.

I began fostering him in late October.

His therapy has been expensive and tedious but he has shone through all.

In November, we noticed some little tiny white hairs beginning to grow from the tops of his toes. We were really excited about this all.  He has large feet anyway and with the hairy toes - we asked, "who has large feet with hairy toes? - Hobbits!  Time for a name change - Frodo was way too dignified so Bilbo Baggins it was.

Bilbo was been an beacon of hope for us. 

He has had setbacks with skin infections and flare ups of stubborn mites and, I am sure, some pain but he never, never has slowed down.

He lives life to the fullest, loves his pack family and everyone he meets is his newest friend.

When a new foster is shy or fearful, Bilbo is the first to snuggle up and lick him or her reassuringly.  He leads the pack on outdoor adventures and even though it is freezing cold or raining, he is the first one outside and the last one to give it up and come back in.

He has play battles with all his foster family (his weight 5 pounds, and their average weight 14 pounds!) and is perfectly content to be dragged around by his head or the back of his T-shirt or sweater.  The battles are impressive for the noise he generates because his motto is "the louder the growl and conversation, the better".

When all is tallied, Bilbo is an absolute paragon of courage and invincible spirit. 

There is a lesson for those who will pay attention to his life.”

When Bilbo gets healthier he will make a great dog for a lucky family! 

(He’s not currently on Petfinder, but people can email adopt@peopleunitedforpets.com if they are interested in adopting him)

Send love to dogs like Bilbo! 

Help contribute to the ongoing medical treatment for special dogs by donating to PUP Dog Rescue. Support from dog lovers help us save more dogs and treat more sweethearts that might have been euthanized due to treatable medical conditions. If people would like to donate items rather than money they can email donate@peopleunitedforpets.com.

PUP has also launched a new blog, check it out or connect with PUP on Facebook or Twitter.

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