I realize that a dog cannot get diagnosed over the internet but they are working with a third vet now and it doesn't seem that they are any closer to a solution than when they started.
We are looking for are any ideas or suggestions you might have.
Precious is a 3 year old Rottweiler, happy and always healthy prior to this event. He weighs 40kg.
The problem started on the 29th of December 2010 after Precious overindulged at the Christmas dinner on the 27th of December.
On the 29th he woke up feeling miserable threw up and had diarrhea.
His vet prescribed Enroxil [enrofloxacin] 150mg, 2 per day for 5 days. The problem got better for a while only to return with something worse after only a few days.
The vet suggested we change his diet to Hill's i/d.
In a few days the condition got worse.
The vet prescribed Metronidazole 250mg 8per day.
Still the condition continued to worsen. Precious was straining unproductively and when he did manage to pass something it was an explosion of terrible smelling greenish liquid.
I went to the vet again and was told that it could be another month of taking this medicine before I could see some improvement. Asking what do I expect during the month I was told that his condition may worsen or get better at times.
The vet who has known him since he was a puppy never examined him.
I wasn't comfortable with this, a month had passed and Precious was worse than day 1. I couldn't imagine let him suffer for another month.
I took a video of Precious doing his thing and I called another vet who visited Precious at home.
He said he suspected IBD but recommended we take x rays and ultrasound just in case there was an obstruction. And so we did on the 29th of January 2011.
Xrays didn't show any swollowed object and I was confronted with the difficult decision of an exploratory surgery.
I was told that something could be hidden in his colon like for example a ball of bones and precious could die if we don't act immediately.
I signed the paper for surgery.
After a while I was told that no object was found but his intestines are very sick.
I asked if it was cancer and the answer was definitely not but his whole intestines and the colon are very inflamed.
I asked for a biopsy but the vet said that the inflammation was so bad that he would be risking perforation.
Precious was given Rodogyl [Spiramycin, Metronidazole a combination of two antibiotics] for 10 days after the operation.
His incision healed well and things were for the following 2 weeks.
The straining was gone and the stools were solid.
After the two weeks, however, the straining and explosive diarrhea came back.
Precious was given one medicine after another, Rodogyl, Salazopyrin [Sulfasalazine], Rodogyl again.
Up to all this time besides this problem, Precious remained quite happy looking forward for his drives and walks, playtime and ate as usual.
The vet decided to give him 20mg of Prednisolone a day.
In the evening of the 2nd day I noticed that Precious was panting and was very restless. His tummy was very hard and felt swollen.
I took him out walking and he passed a lot of gas and the biggest explosion of poo ever.
The color was yellow and the smell terrible!
I reported this the next morning and prednisolone was to be tailed off.
After this the vet wanted to try another medicine. after another course of Flagyl, Prifinial chien, he said, would help regulate intestinal motility.
Although hesitant I gave him this medicine and this was the end of happy Precious.
He would just lay there, miserable, his tummy swollen and he didnt even pass gas.
On his walks he strained and strained only to pass a few drops of poo.
I just couldn't keep up the trial and error of different medication and decided I should after all seek another opinion. I hoped to find someone who wasn't scared of my baby.
So I finally got to the 3rd vet on the 1st of April.
Although I hoped for a miracle medicine that could make my Precious better the vet told me that he will definitely not give Prednisolone to Precious unless further testing is done and he is sure of his organs, mainly the liver. He sent out for more labs.
He gave Precious Hyoscinth to help with the flatulance problem and Lactulose to cleanse him whilst reducing the straining.
The following week was the worst ever!
Precious just lay on a quilt and just slept. He ate very little and didnt even want to go for his walks.
His lips and mouth were cold and he just stayed curled up alone.
On the 7th of April Precious woke up and vomited something that looked like plastic.
I thought I was imagining things, afterall it was just 4AM, but in the afternoon during his little walk he vomited again.
My dad was with me and said I should probably keep it and show it to the doctor. I kept it in a bag and the vet told me to take a picture, however I did not and just threw it away thinking it was all in vain.
On Saturday 9th April after some serious straining, I couldn't believe what went out of Precious' behind!
With an explosion of poo came out what looked like a whole roasting bag all covered in mucus!!!
After that Precious seemed to have been gaining back his health. He was eating and up from his quilt again.
It seemed that with the plastic the problem went away.
However, it did not. Precious seemed fine, however, his stools were still watery and they looked like clay!!
Precious was put on Denosyl [S-Adenosylmethionine] 225mg tablets twice a day and
While it could be a coincidence, explosive greyish stools appeared on the same day.
The lab results suggested possible EPI (Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency) combined bacterial overgrowth.
We started Precious on a sulphur antibiotic and some digestive enzymes.
Precious refuses to eat the "enzyme tainted" food and is back to straining and explosive diarrhea.
Where to go from here?
Update on Precious
April 27, 2011
Unfortunately the ultrasound didn't happen yesterday, long story. Scheduled for tomorrow. Meanwhile, Precious' stools started smelling of ammonia ...
Update on Precious
April 28, 2011Nothing detected in ultra sound. Waiting for blood work result.
The doctor said Precious needs to be taking the digestive enzymes and gave me in pill form. He said Precious is suffering from Irritable bowel disease and when I said I wanted to find out what is causing the inflammation he said the only way is a biopsy and test it abroad, the test is not available in Malta.
He suggested I give Precious digestive enzymes twice a day and see what happens. About the ammonia or rancid smell, he said since the food is not being digested it is causing fermentation in the intestine hence the bacterial overgrowth. He is almost certain that there is no obstruction however we could do a barium x ray. Am not willing to take the risk for this (Precious won't drink it).
Update on Precious
May3, 2011Precious is getting better, he's taking the digestive enzymes in capsule form and eating ZD hypoallergenic diet 4 times a day. Still taking antibiotics.
His stools yesterday and today: no explosion, not watery, still greenish in colour but no ammonia smell and solidifying. checking for Giardia again.
Nothing abnormal in blood work.
Although Precious is still a little slow and sleeps more than he used to, he's barking again, happy with his new toys and playing, and looks forward to his walks even at 3 in the morning
Hugs to everyone thinking of him. Marthese
Update on Precious
May9, 2011Precious is improving every day. Even his energy is coming back and his lovely barks are back. stools still greenish but forming, no explosions and no ammonia or rancid smell. He is taking 4 meals a day ZD which surprisingly is looking forward to. I give him also Florentero every day and digestive enzymes before each meal.
Precious' fecal results:
Stools culture and microscopy
Salmonella/Shigella species Negative
Campylobacter species Negative
No parasites and ova observed using high power magnification.
pancreas elastase (EIA):
PE-Konz.: > 180.00 µg/g > 40 (fragl. 10-40)
Pancreas elastase reflects the endocrine function and is not influenced by sample age or inflammatory processes like the TLI-test.
The test is specific for the dog and not suitable for other species.
Microscopical examination
Starch granules : negative
Starch : negative
Neutral fat : negative
Fatty acids : negative
Fatty soaps : negative
Muscel fibres : moderate concentration
Connective tissue : negative
Elastic fibres : negative
total fatty acid (near-infrared-spectrography):
total fat faeces / g/24h < 4.5g/24h
total fat faeces 3.38 g/100g < 2.5
total bile acids 3.6 µmol/g < 2.5
Interpretation of results:
The identification of muscle fibres in faeces indicates an altered digestion. In the differential diagnosis a pancreas insufficiency, resorption abnormalities in the small intestine or an impaired stomach digestion are to be considered. High concentrations of fat in faeces are indication for insufficient fat digestion. One reason can be EPI, quite common cause as well is bacterial overgrowth Estimation of bileacids in the feaces can give further information.
High bile acid values are found as a consequence of a bacterial deconjugation in the small intestine or in short small intestine cases. Because of the hygroscopic properties of bile acids,aqueous explosive diarrhoea can be produced.
Initially an antiobitic treatment with sulfonamide and trimethoprim (3-5 days) should be performed.
By clinical signs of bacterial overgrowth of the small intestine an antibiotic treatment with sulfonamids and trimethoprim or tylosin should be performed (3-5 days).
Phenole, nitrosonaphthole and indican: the result shows a bacteriological overgrowth in the small intestine or an increased protein decomposition in the small and large intestine.
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