Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Arthritis? What Arthritis?

Jasmine is going on eight years of age. She's gone through two near death experiences, a number of surgeries (including bi-lateral knee surgery) and was diagnosed with arthritis in her knees, shoulders, elbows, neck and jaws.

Can you tell?

There were times in the past couple years when we thought we were going to lose her. And look at her now!

It was a long journey.

Every time we fixed one thing, something else popped up. Once the knees were working, she almost died as a result of severe drug-induced hyperthermia. Then she suffered a muscle injury. Then her elbow got sore. Then a muscle again ..

I thought that I might never see her without a limp on one leg or another again.

I am happy that I was wrong!

While there still are issues to be dealt with, she can enjoy what matters to her the most—her mobility!

Jasmine is not on any drugs, NSAIDs or otherwise.

She gets joint supplements and we keep up with physical therapy on maintenance basis. Of course, daily exercise is a must—she wouldn't have it any other way. We're also keeping her at optimal weight.

What I believe really turned things around though, along with stabilizing the knees, was the stem cell therapy.

We are incredibly thankful for every happy active day she gets. There is nothing like watching her living it up!

I don't know what x-rays would show today. I don't really care. All I need to see is my happy mobile dog.


With gratitude to all who helped make this possible:

Vet-Stem Regenerative Veterinary Medicine,
for bringing the magic of stem cell therapy to dogs and their true care for animals.

Dr. Rae Worden DVM, of Fergus Veterinary Hospital,
for being the most amazing and caring veterinarian we ever met.

Dr. Leslie Woodcock, of Woodcock Veterinary Services,
 for their loving care during Jasmines physical therapy and chiro.

Dr. Rob Butler, of Guelph Animal Hospital,
for his TCVM expertise.

and all my dear online friends who helped us through tough times.

Thank you!

Related articles:
Stem Cells for Dogs? Oh yeah, baby!
Interview with Dr. Robert J. Harman, D.V.M., M.P.V.M. - CEO and founder of Vet-Stem
Digging Deeper: The Science Behind Adipose Derived Stem Cell Therapy
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