I will continue to work hard to bring you good information and share my experiences. If my blog can make just one dog's life better, then it has fullfilled its purpose.
I now have the daunting task of picking only 10 blogs to pass this award to!
I always find this very difficult, because I read and follow many wonderful blogs and I feel bad for any blog that doesn't make it on the list.
The You are an ... Inspiration! Award goes to:
Kenzo the Hovawart
This blog started as a tribute to Howavarts but it became much more than that. Presently it is the home of the campaing to stop BSL in Denmark. Denmark is one of the countries that took BSL to all new level. After a year of the law being in effect, has it done anybody any good?
Read the articles and sign the petition. Tomorrow it could be YOUR dog!
Dog Lover's Digest
An awesome blog that puts a humorous spin on how we view and understand dogs and their behavior. We often fall victim to trends and cliches. But just because something is repeated enough, it does not always make it so.
The core message of this blog is: "Yes, we can all get along!"
Dog Spelled Forward’s mission is to help you and your dog live together happily and in harmony. The key to any successful relationship is communication.
Annie started this blog when Ella was diagnosed with syringomyelia. Annie plays an important role in raising syringomyelia awareness and her blog became an inspiration to those who's dogs suffer with this horrible condition.
Sadly, Ella has recently passed. But her legacy remains.
No Dog About It Blog
I see that Mel of No Dog About It just got a Versatile Blog award too! Sorry, Mel, you're getting one from me too!
No Dog About It is an honest, inspirational blog by a great dog lover. Mel shares her knowledge and experience both as a pet parent and as a pet sitter.
Dogs and Tails
Dog trainers beware. Everything that you say can and will be used against you! Why is it that no experts can agree on anything in these days? Be prepared to have it handed to you!
"Everybody's arguing and everybody thinks they're right. I'm thinking, how could that be that they would all be right? Only one person can be right! And that's me!
—Just Brothers
The home of the Syringomyelia Awareness Campaign, dog related information and inspiration.
Real life dog training experiences and other great topics. Dog training, dog rescue, dog behaviour and more!
A blog for all things dog. Personal stories, training tips, book and magazine reviews, diy pup projects, you name it. Inspired by her own dogs, Maggie shares what she learned.
Fearful Dogs Blog
Invaluable well of knowledge and experience for anybody living with a fearful dog!
Living with a fearful dog is a big eye opener and it will put everything you think you know about dog training to the test. Well, now you have a great source to draw from.
Enjoy and share the love.
If you are here to pick up your award, there are a few simple rules that go with accepting it.
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded this to you.
2. Link posts by you and ten fellow bloggers that you find inspirational.
3. Forward the award to ten fellow bloggers.
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