Jumat, 15 Juli 2011

Tomorrow It Could Be Your Dog!

If you don't nip evil in the bud, one day it will show up at your doorstep.

What if one morning you woke up to find out that your beloved dog made it on the list of banned breeds?

You love your dog.  You set off to do everything the law requires. You keep your dog contained and supervised, leashed and muzzled on walks.

And then another morning the police shows up and takes your dog away anyway.

They impound him with the intent to put him down.

No, this is not a theoretical example. This has happened to Lennox.

On May 19, 2010 the Belfast City Council Dog Wardens Department forcibly removed Lennox from his loving, caring family home. After measuring his rear legs and muzzle with a dress maker's tape measure they deemed him to be of a Pittbull type breed.

Yes, that's happened over a year ago.

Lennox is still impounded and living in horrible conditions, death sentence still hanging over his head.

His family is still fighting the system to get their dog back.

If you don't fight evil, one day it will show up at your own doorstep.

Pitbulls today, Rottweilers and Boxers tomorrow, which breed is next?

In Denmark there are already 13 dog breeds banned. 12 more are under observation.

One thing that BSL did? 

Caused deaths and suffering of innocent dogs.

One thing that BSL didn't do? 

Solve any problem whatsoever.

They would get my dogs only over my dead body!

Visit Save Lennox official website and help save Lennox.

Sign a petition to stop Denmark from banning dog breeds.

Petitions by Change.org|Start a Petition »

Whatever you're going to do, don't do nothing!

Or it will be your dog who's ripped from your arms tomorrow.

If you think that the day is too far away to worry about it, check out this post: A List of 75 Dogs That Are Banned Or Restricted.

All of the dogs on this list are either banned or there are restrictions on owning them one place or another in the United States.

According to this article, somebody some place even figured that a Pug should make the list!

Unless, we, the people, stop this, no dog will be safe!

Related articles:
The Massacre of the Innocents: Let's Put A Ban On Breed Specific Bans!
BSL, Man-Made Solutions To Man-Made Problems, And Which Breed Should Be First On The List
Make Bestiality a Felony: Charity's Law
Did you see me today?

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