Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Veterinary Highlights: Pox On Dog Cancer

Researchers at University of Illinois report that myxoma, a pox virus otherwise harmless to dogs, infects certain types of cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells alone.

Myxoma virus. Image: Citizendium

This is not the first time I read about the idea of using viruses to treat resistant bacterial infections or cancer.

Naturally, viruses are associated with bad things. The truth is, though, that out of the huge variety of viruses out there, only a handful are harmful.

Unlike other treatments, such as radiation or chemo, viruses can be discriminate about what types of cells they attack.

It might sound quite wacky, but it is an interesting idea.

Viruses might emerge as relatively benign cancer treatments to complement or even replace standard cancer therapies.

Many cancers have impaired anti-viral defenses, which allow viruses to target tumors while sparing healthy cells.

Source article:
Scientists Aim to Put a Pox On Dog Cancer

Further reading:
Pox Virus Used to Kill Canine Cancer Cells

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