Jumat, 14 Desember 2012

A Time Bomb Ought To Go Off At Some Point, I Guess: Jasmine's Neck

Ever since we had the full set of x-rays a few years back, we knew there was a ticking bomb in Jasmine's neck. Malformations were found in her neck, as well as some spondylosis deformants. This remained dormant the entire time. Until today ...

Jasmine. Archive Photo.

Jasmine went from a vibrant, vital puppy, full of life, to a train wreck with a blink of an eye.

She was perfectly fine last night, as well as in the morning. Then I noticed her walking around funny, with her back legs stiff. This I've seen before, though couldn't figure out the reason why those legs would be suddenly in pain. Then she stood there, slowly moving backward, one step at a time and everything about her just felt wrong. When she lied down, it was in a strange way also.

I wasn't sure what I was seeing, if anything, you know how paranoid I am.

However, I did call the vet to make sure he's going to be there later in a day, in case we did need to come in.

When hubby came home, Jasmine did get up to greet him, but looked stiff in the rear end and now favoring her front right leg also.

It all looked very wrong, so I called the vet again to let him know that "there was something wrong with Jasmine all over the place," and that we were on our way.

It was a gamble, risking the long trip, but something needed to be done.

So ... it looks like a disk injury. No idea when and how this could have happened. It just did. Jasmine got a shot of morphine, a shot of steroids and more pain pills and steroids to take home.

We realized her neck was a time bomb, we were just hoping it wasn't going to go off.

Related articles:
A Time Bomb Ought To Go Off At Some Point, I Guess: Jasmine's Neck 
Jasmine's Disc Injury(?) Day Two 
Jasmine's Disc Injury(?) Day Three 
Jasmine's Disc Injury: Mom, Why Can't I Go For A Walk?
Jasmine's Disc Injury: The Parole Hearing  
Jasmine's Disc Injury: Spanking New Ramp 
Back To Where We Were Last May?
Elbow Problem Or Root Signature? 
Jasmine's Neck Setback  
Jasmine's Neck Setback Update

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