Senin, 10 Desember 2012

Jasmine's Allergy Blood Test Results: More Questions Than Answers

It took two weeks to get the results back from the lab in Texas! Finally we got them.

The test results bring more questions than answers.

Granted, the reason the lab (and the only place that will provide the SLIT treatment for Canada) insisted on getting a new test was that these things change over time. Ok, I can see that. It was actually my own thinking, that we should run a new test before treating.

How much, though, can things change?

I can see how Jasmine might had not been allergic to something in 2008 and be allergic to it now. But how about the other way around?

Could she had been strongly allergic to something then and not allergic to it at all now?

To me, that is a mind bender. To our vet also. So what now?

On the other hand, this new test would be more in line with what we've observed and believed, such as that Jasmine does not have a problem with grasses. For example, previously she tested positive for allergy to Timothy grass, which also happens to be her favorite grass to nibble on. Perhaps this new test is right after all. I'm sure Jasmine would know better than seek something that doesn't agree with her.

Comparing those results begs some questions:
  1. was there a mix up in a lab in either case?
  2. is one of the tests less accurate and if so which one?
  3. which ones in the trees, grasses and weeds section would have to have seasonal symptoms only?
If we can confirm there was no mix up, somehow we have to decide which test we trust.

And if we do trust the new test, we need to figure out what kind of exposure there can be. For example, there are plenty of ash trees and poplars around; I don't think, however, I've ever seen a walnut or black willow anywhere. Which begs another question, how could be Jasmine allergic to something her body never saw?

More questions that answers, as usually, isn't it?

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